Double your chances of winning up to £1000 to spend on accommodation anywhere in the world.

Register now – one lucky winner will win £1000 with 4 more prizes of £100 each.


Уникальные фильтры и функции Halalbooking позволяют мусульманским путешественникам найти отель или виллу, наиболее подходящие для их индивидуальных халяльных потребностей.

Халяль еда

Проверьте доступность халяльной еды в вашем отеле или на вилле, а также в магазинах и ресторанах поблизости, куда бы вы ни путешествовали.

Безалкогольное пребывание

Найдите полностью безалкогольные отели, или отели, где есть рестораны без алкоголя, или где мы можем запросить удаление алкоголя из вашего номера.

Пляжи, бассейны и спа для женщин или частные для вашей семьи

Найдите отели с удобствами для отдыха, которые предназначены только для женщин или доступны для частной аренды одной семьей. Также, найдите виллы с частными, полностью уединенными бассейнами и отели со смешанными пляжами и бассейнами, где разрешена скромная купальная одежда.

Номера и цены для семейного отдыха

Наша уникальная система автоматически определяет, когда вам нужно больше одного номера и находит возможные комбинации подходящих типов номеров по лучшей цене, показывая, какие номера могут быть смежными или примыкающими.

"Удобства для умры" в Мекке и Медине

Найдите отели с номерами с видом на Каабу или Харам, отели в пешей доступности или с бесплатным трансфером до Харама. В Мекке даже можно найти отель с молитвенным залом, соединенным с Харамом, а в Медине – отели, с выходящими на юг номерами с видом на Харам, так что во время молитвы в номере вы будете смотреть на Мечеть ан-Набави.

Достоверные отзывы клиентов

Прочтите достоверные отзывы гостей-единомышленников и узнайте их оценку услуг и удобств отеля или виллы, где они останавливались. Все отзывы проверены, и вы можете быть уверены, что они написаны гостями, выбирающими халяль-френдли отдых, которые действительно бронировали через нас и останавливались в объекте размещения.

Статусные уровни и привилегии Halalbooking Loyalty Club


Для получения статуса, зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно

Скидки до 10% в большинстве отелей

1 Кэш-балл +
1 Статус-балл
За каждый потраченный 1$


3 000 Статус-баллов в год для достижения или обновления

Скидки до 15% в большинстве отелей

1,25 Кэш-балла +
1,25 Статус-балла
За каждый потраченный 1$

БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ Platinum-привилегии в некоторых отелях:

  • Поздний выезд*
  • Апгрейд номера*
  • Завтрак
* в случае наличия при заезде


10 000 Статус-баллов в год для достижения или обновления

Скидки до 20% в большинстве отелей

1,5 Кэш-балла +
1,5 Статус-балла
За каждый потраченный 1$

БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ Platinum-привилегии в некоторых отелях


БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ Diamond-привилегии в некоторых отелях:

  • Ранний заезд*
  • Двойной апгрейд номера*
  • Трансфер из/в аэропорт
* в случае наличия при заезде

Competition / Giveaway Terms And Conditions

  • These terms and conditions together with any specific rules set out in Competition Notices (as defined below) are the Competition Rules (“Rules”) and apply to this giveaway (“Competition”). By entering a Competition, entrants agree to be bound by these Rules. If you have any questions, please contact
  • The Promoter of this Competition is Halalbooking Ltd, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom
  • This Competition is free to enter and no purchase is necessary.
  • The GPU Giveaway is exclusive to Islam Channel viewers and those attending GPU.


  • There is one prize of £1000-worth of Cash Points that can be spent on to book any accommodation available on and four prizes of £100-worth of Cash Points.

Qualifying Entrants / Entries

  • All entries must be submitted with complete information via the above registration page. The £100 draws will take place at different times across the weekend from all complete entries received by one hour before the draw takes place. Entries for the £1000 draw must be submitted by Sunday 20th October at 5pm. Entries received after the stated closing dates will NOT be accepted.
  • By entering the Competition, you hereby warrant that all information submitted by you is true, current and complete. We reserve the right to verify the eligibility of all entrants.
  • Halalbooking will not accept responsibility for entries that are lost or delayed in transit, regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind.
  • Halalbooking reserves the right to refuse entry (at our sole discretion), or refuse to award the prize if we have grounds to believe the entrant has breached any of the Rules.
  • In the event that any entrant is disqualified from the Competition, in our sole discretion we may decide whether a replacement should be selected. In this event, any further entrant will be selected on the same criteria as the original entrant and will be subject to these Rules.
  • You are only allowed to submit one entry per person to the Competition and any entrant who enters more than the permitted maximum will be disqualified. Where a winner has been selected and we discover or have reasonable grounds to believe the winner has made more than one Entry, we reserve the right to select an alternative winner. Any further winner will be selected on the same criteria as the original winner and will be subject to these Rules.
  • Only one entry per person will be accepted. If it becomes apparent that a participant is using a computer(s) to circumvent this term by, for example, the use of ‘brute force’, ‘script’ or any other automated means, that person/those e-mail addresses will be disqualified and any prize award will be void.
  • Those who have opted in to the Halalbooking giveaway during the process of purchasing tickets to attend GPU and related events, have already been entered into the giveaway with one chance to win. By completing your registration to the HB Loyalty Club you will gain another chance to win, thereby doubling your chances.

The Draw

  • Prize winners will be chosen by random draw performed by a computer process during the GPU Festival at times to be announced during the Festival and winners will be announced on the main stage. In all matters, the decision of the judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into. There shall be no right of appeal.
  • The prize winner will be notified by email (using details provided at entry) within 3 days of the draw taking place. Return of any prize notification as undeliverable due to incorrect email address may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner. Competition winner's name may be published by Halalbooking via its newsletters, social media, website or blog (by entering into the Competition you consent to such use of your personal data).
  • Prizes are non–transferable and there is no cash alternative.
  • Prizes are awarded at our sole discretion and no prizes will be awarded as a result of improper actions by or on behalf of any entrant.
  • All potential taxes or costs are the sole responsibility of the prize winners.
  • Halalbooking reserves the right to hold void, cancel, suspend, or amend the Competition where it becomes necessary to do so.

Data Protection and Publicity

  • Winners may be requested to take part in promotional activity and we reserve the right to use the names of winners in any publicity both in paper and online (by entering the Competition you consent to such use of your personal data).
  • Any personal data relating to entrants will not be disclosed to a third party without the individual’s consent. Please see our Privacy Policy for further details. Data relating to entrants will be retained by us for a reasonable period after the Competition closes to assist us to operate competitions in a consistent manner and to deal with any queries on the Competition.


  • Our failure to assert our rights in relation to any breach of the Rules shall not constitute a waiver of such rights, nor will any such waiver be implied.
  • If any provision of the Rules (or portion thereof) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remainder of the Rules will not be affected or impaired.
  • The Competition and Rules will be governed by English law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. Where the site and/or the Interactive Services are accessed from Scotland or Northern Ireland, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Scotland or Northern Ireland respectively and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts or the courts of Northern Ireland respectively.

Halalbooking Loyalty Club Conditions of Use:

  • Halalbooking reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions of this offer or terminate this offer at its discretion at any time without notice.
  • Halalbooking reserves the right to retract awarded miles if they, in their absolute discretion, suspect fraud, unauthorised stacking of bonuses, collecting multiple bonuses from the same hotel stay (defined as the same travelling party staying consecutive nights at the same hotel), technical errors, cancel/rebooking activity (defined by identical search criteria), or any other deceptive behaviours attempted to circumvent the limits expressed in these terms and conditions.
  • The latest terms and conditions of the HB Loyalty Club apply.
  • Halalbooking’s general Terms and Conditions apply to all accommodation bookings.
  • Cash Points are virtual money used in and will be assigned to the winners’ Halalbooking Loyalty Club account. More about Halalbooking Loyalty Club here:
  • Gift Cash Points can be used in any accommodation available on, but cannot be used for transfers.
  • Gift Cash Points can be used in full or part at any time. They do not expire.
  • Cash Points cannot be transferred from one account to another.
  • Gift Cash Points can be combined with other discounts available to registered members.
  • Bookings made with gift Cash Points cannot be used to claim any additional Cash Points.